Friday, September 5, 2014

Outstanding Outdoor Activity at Wittenberg

    In the beginning of the Fall Semester in years past at Wittenberg University, it has been very common for campus activity to die down as students retreated indoors to tackle large mountains of schoolwork from overenthusiastic professors. However, this fall semester, I have noticed a change in this routine. More and more, it appears that students are taking advantage of the fair weather in the evenings and flocking outside to have some outdoor fun with friends before buckling down on homework each night.
    Due to the nature of my schedule with classes and athletic practices, I plant myself in the library or in Post 95 each night by around 7:30pm or 8pm. On my walks to said study areas, I have observed a spike in outdoor activities around campus. Joggers circle the hills, sweating and jiving to their music. Cyclists, skateboarders, longboarders, and roller blading fanatics wiz by, creating a lovely breeze for pedestrians. In every open field or grassy area, there are informal games galore of catch, frisbee-golf, and soccer. Shouting and laughter reverberate throughout campus from the pick up games on the volleyball and basketball courts outside of Firestine and Tower Halls. Students, old and new, have been spotted enjoying casual strolls around the campus grounds or visiting on the red chairs in the Hollow. Some ambitious and focused students have even taken to studying on blankets in the grassy areas during the day, soaking in the sunshine and breathing in the fresh air. I have also noticed students arriving in my usual study spots at later and later hours. Last year, the rush times for new arrivals at the library and for Post 95 ranged in between 7pm and 9pm. Lately, it seems the rush times have been pushed back and are now ranging in between 8:30pm and 10:30pm. 
    I can't quite put my finger on the cause for the sudden fad of enjoying the great outdoors, but I am thrilled at the sight and sounds each evening of a very active campus. I have found myself rushing to get my schoolwork done at a faster pace so I can catch some fading daylight in the evening to take a long walk with pals or to enjoy a bike ride before hitting the hay. The thirst for the fresh air and evening exercise is beneficially addicting and deliciously contagious, so if you haven't been bitten by the outdoor bug yet, I guarantee you will be bitten one way or another by stepping outside and enjoying the fresh air!

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